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Name cookieconsent-media
Provider Eigentümer dieser Website
Saves the approval status of the user for external media cookies on the current website.
Period of validity 1 year
Type HTTP Cookie

Name cookieconsent-necessary
Provider Eigentümer dieser Website
Saves the consent status of the user for cookies on the current website.
Period of validity 1 year
Type HTTP Cookie

Name cookieconsent-statistics
Provider Eigentümer dieser Website
Stores the user consent status for statistics cookies on the current website.
Period of validity 1 year
Type HTTP Cookie

Provider Eigentümer dieser Website
Cookie of PHP (programming language), PHP data identifier. Contains only a reference to the current session. No information is stored in the user's browser and this cookie can only be used by the current website.
Period of validity End of session (close the browser)
Type HTTP Cookie
Content from external providers such as Vimeo or GoogleMaps is blocked by default. If cookies are accepted by external media, access to these contents no longer requires manual consent.

Name muxData
This cookie is used in combination with a video player. If the visitor is interrupted while viewing video content, the cookie remembers where to start the video when the visitor reloads the video.
Period of validity End of session (close the browser)
Type HTTP Cookie

Name player
Saves the user's preferences when playing embedded videos from Vimeo.
Period of validity 1 year
Type HTTP Cookie

Name vuid
Registers a unique ID used by Vimeo.
Period of validity 2 years
Type HTTP Cookie
These cookies collect anonymous statistics. This information helps us to understand how we can further optimize our website.

Name _ga
Registers a unique ID used by Google Analytics to generate statistical information about how the visitor uses the site.
Period of validity 2 years
Type HTTP Cookie

Name _gat
Used by Google Analytics to limit the request rate.
Period of validity 1 day
Type HTTP Cookie

Name _gid
Registers a unique ID used by Google Analytics to generate statistical information about how the visitor uses the site.
Period of validity 1 day
Type HTTP Cookie

Our Responsibility

We understand ecological and social responsibility as the basis for sustainable added value. Following this idea, ecological and social sustainability is anchored in our corporate values.
Our employees are our most important resource. A healthy working environment that lives appreciation and promotes integration and creativity is of the utmost importance to us.
The greatest challenge of the 21st century is the responsible use of resources to create the same opportunities for future generations. As an international, globally positioned company, we face our responsibility.
In consistent pursuit of our sustainability strategy, we are converting the energy consumers of the company to renewable energies. Milestones on this path are the conversion of our mat production from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources and the construction of our new heat supply system at our headquarter in Oschatz.
By implementing these measures, we reduce our CO² emissions by more than 1,400t per year. This corresponds to an overall reduction of more than 30%. To produce our CSM, we reduce the CO² emissions per kg by more than 50%. By further expanding renewable energy, we aim to reduce the consumption of fossil raw materials to a minimum by 2030.
At Oschatz Glas, we face the challenges of our time and take our responsibility seriously.